
Showing posts from 2017

Bore Dis Ietele

I Jezu lokak xikoitalo, kaim lok dhorinaslo kanar Thodde munis sozmotale apunnuch mhunn podvedar Jezu soglem   zanno aslo konn munis   zannar vo nennar Provadeani poilench boroun dovorlam povitr pustokar Ch. Isaias provadean sanglelem soddvonddar zolmank ietolo Hi khobor aikon Israeli lok khoxi zalo Jezuchea ievkarak to lok toieari kortalo Bhasailolo soddvonddar tea lokak favo zalo II Sorginchem raj kitem tem Jezun amkam xikoilem Kitleach lokani aplem vaitt jivit soddun dilem Jezu veta thoinsor patthlean aslem lokachem bhirem Jezun milagri keleo, tannem aplem boll dakhoilem Ch. Amcho mog tum kortai sorginchea Bapa Rochnnara Adnea amkam dilii tuven Jezu soddvonddara Jezun   kitem sanglam tem tumi motin dhora Desam-desani vochon mhojem utor porgott kora III Jezu loka lagim uloitalo sangon apleo opari Tea oparinchi sozmonni Jezu tankam ditalo bori Eksurea zagear vochon Jezu aplem magnnem kori Thoinsor pasun vochon devchar taka naddi Ch. Jezu

Experience the Thrill of Making Music with Dr. Drum

Making music is fun. You could spend years learning one instrument, and still not be able to produce the sounds that you feel inside. With Dr. Drum Beat Making software you can do it all, and you can do it right now.  Dr. Drum makes it possible for anyone, even someone who has no formal music education, or playing experience to create awesome sounds and music tracks in any genre. Create the Beat: The power to music comes from the beat. It is the heart and soul of any soundtrack and you can create these amazing sounds in minutes with Dr. Drum. You get hundreds of pre-recorded beats to begin with, and you can edit them on the 12-pad kit right on your screen. Each sound included is recorded in studio quality sound, not tacky MP3 that will sound hollow and cheap. Your Dr. Drum beats will thunder and echo through the room when you let them loose. Turn On the Music: If you want more than just heart-pounding beats, the ability to turn on amazing music is right in the program.